A memory of a peaceful day in Ekaterinburg

Her Dad’s daughter On a wall of the university building, under the colossal white columns going up into the blue sky, a bronze plate — Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia, has studied in this building. It is a very hot August morning, and the campus is covered by a heavy smog coming from… Continue reading A memory of a peaceful day in Ekaterinburg

Mathematical camps in Kazan — from 1972 to 2022

In today’s Russia, mathematical camps have grown into a system — several centers propose regular mathematical schools for children of all ages (as, for example, the Sirius Mathematical Center in Sochi), and numerous Russian cities have active teams constantly putting in place math camps and participating in national or even international initiatives (for example, the… Continue reading Mathematical camps in Kazan — from 1972 to 2022

Community of people crazy about math — in a good way

Lyudmila Lazareva guides us through different buildings of the Regina mathematical camp that she has put in place. The style of the excursion that she has chosen for us is as follows. First, she brings us to a class full of students working on problems with several teachers. Second, she asks for one of the… Continue reading Community of people crazy about math — in a good way

Teaching mathematics: from six students to six hundred

Not a formal organization but what’s in the heads! Lyudmila Lazareva opens the doors of an office building in the center of Kazan for us. We follow her into one of its wings — the Mathematical Center she runs lends several rooms along a corridor. « Our Center has opened seven years ago, » says Lyudmila.… Continue reading Teaching mathematics: from six students to six hundred

Rich Nizhny Novgorod’s soil

A research conference organized by students The conference Topological Methods in Dynamical systems and related topics starts on Monday, 2nd of August, in the center of Nizhny Novgorod, with an opening speech by Olga Pochinka. In the room full of Russian-speaking mathematicians (some of which came from Unites States, Canada and France), Olga wishes to… Continue reading Rich Nizhny Novgorod’s soil

A visit to Yandex

Yandex is everywhere — it is scary but you get used to it. On the 29th of July, we have visited Yandex, the largest technology company in Europe. Yandex provides many Internet-related products and services, starting from search and information service at its beginning in the nineties going to online advertising and transportation today. The… Continue reading A visit to Yandex

One shouldn’t miss any day of it!

Better than any research conference Daniil Rudenko is a wonderful friend from the times I was studying mathematics in Russia. He studied at the mathematical faculty of St Petersburg University and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. This year, Daniil presents a course on the forgotten Coxeter theorem. This theorem generalizes… Continue reading One shouldn’t miss any day of it!