Her Dad’s daughter On a wall of the university building, under the colossal white columns going up into the blue sky, a bronze plate — Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia, has studied in this building. It is a very hot August morning, and the campus is covered by a heavy smog coming from… Continue reading A memory of a peaceful day in Ekaterinburg
Tag: Russia
If your Mom understands mathematics…
Lyudmila has two children — a 7 y.o. daughter in second grade, and an 11 y.o. son in the sixth grade. They are now both in two different Kazan math summer camps — and their Mom goes from one to the other many times in the week, teaching math and organizing the process. Today, Lyudmila… Continue reading If your Mom understands mathematics…
Mathematical camps in Kazan — from 1972 to 2022
In today’s Russia, mathematical camps have grown into a system — several centers propose regular mathematical schools for children of all ages (as, for example, the Sirius Mathematical Center in Sochi), and numerous Russian cities have active teams constantly putting in place math camps and participating in national or even international initiatives (for example, the… Continue reading Mathematical camps in Kazan — from 1972 to 2022
Community of people crazy about math — in a good way
Lyudmila Lazareva guides us through different buildings of the Regina mathematical camp that she has put in place. The style of the excursion that she has chosen for us is as follows. First, she brings us to a class full of students working on problems with several teachers. Second, she asks for one of the… Continue reading Community of people crazy about math — in a good way
Teaching mathematics: from six students to six hundred
Not a formal organization but what’s in the heads! Lyudmila Lazareva opens the doors of an office building in the center of Kazan for us. We follow her into one of its wings — the Mathematical Center she runs lends several rooms along a corridor. « Our Center has opened seven years ago, » says Lyudmila.… Continue reading Teaching mathematics: from six students to six hundred
Leaving Akademgorodok
A city in itself The Russian word Akademgorodok is decomposed into three parts: Akadem for academic or academics, gorod for city, and a suffix ok for small. This city for academics, with more than thirty scientific institutes and housing for scientists, was founded in 1957 near Novosibirsk, following the initiative of three academicians: Mikhail Lavrentiev,… Continue reading Leaving Akademgorodok
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
A rainy morning of July, we visit the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok with Galina Lazareva. Galina knows this place like home — her father, a nuclear physicist, worked here, and today she is a collaborator of the Institute herself. Iron scraps and particle physics Our guide through the Institute is a young… Continue reading Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Gathering the clouds
Written in Spring — by Tatiana Gruzdeva A one more sleepless night gave birth to the first spring day. In such hours before sunrise the past comes in waves, to bring ten, fifteen, twenty years back, to the times when everybody was happy. Small joys that stayed unnoticed back then, come back to life and… Continue reading Gathering the clouds
Young girls education
Choosing mathematics Since her youngest age, Tatiana has been interested in literature. She read and learned poetry by heart, and composed it herself. After school, she announced to her parents that she wanted to enter the philological faculty of Irkutsk State University. They strongly disagreed with this decision. Her mother (a mathematician) said: “Only through… Continue reading Young girls education
A conference in the pine forest
The New Year all the year MOTOR is not only an engine of a car or a boat, it also abbreviates Methods of Optimization Theory and Operation Research, the oldest Russian conference in optimization. It has started in 1969 in Irkutsk, on Baikal and since then, has changed multiple names and places. MOTOR2021 takes place… Continue reading A conference in the pine forest