We also do have something beautiful! It seems likely that there’s been a city on the banks of the Volga and the Samarka rivers since the ninth century — although, written confirmations of the existence of Samara come from the end of the sixteenth century. The city has grown steadily till the middle of the… Continue reading A happy couple in Samara
Month: August 2021
Rich Nizhny Novgorod’s soil
A research conference organized by students The conference Topological Methods in Dynamical systems and related topics starts on Monday, 2nd of August, in the center of Nizhny Novgorod, with an opening speech by Olga Pochinka. In the room full of Russian-speaking mathematicians (some of which came from Unites States, Canada and France), Olga wishes to… Continue reading Rich Nizhny Novgorod’s soil
A visit to Yandex
Yandex is everywhere — it is scary but you get used to it. On the 29th of July, we have visited Yandex, the largest technology company in Europe. Yandex provides many Internet-related products and services, starting from search and information service at its beginning in the nineties going to online advertising and transportation today. The… Continue reading A visit to Yandex
One shouldn’t miss any day of it!
Better than any research conference Daniil Rudenko is a wonderful friend from the times I was studying mathematics in Russia. He studied at the mathematical faculty of St Petersburg University and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. This year, Daniil presents a course on the forgotten Coxeter theorem. This theorem generalizes… Continue reading One shouldn’t miss any day of it!
Contemporary Mathematics… somewhere in Dubna
Back to the USSR The Ratmino pension is situated on the bank of the Dubna river, five minutes away from its intersection with the Volga river (Mother Volga, as Russians call it). It consists of several red brick buildings connected by tiled walks surrounded by pine trees. The main piece of this typically Soviet ensemble… Continue reading Contemporary Mathematics… somewhere in Dubna
Leaving Akademgorodok
A city in itself The Russian word Akademgorodok is decomposed into three parts: Akadem for academic or academics, gorod for city, and a suffix ok for small. This city for academics, with more than thirty scientific institutes and housing for scientists, was founded in 1957 near Novosibirsk, following the initiative of three academicians: Mikhail Lavrentiev,… Continue reading Leaving Akademgorodok
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
A rainy morning of July, we visit the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok with Galina Lazareva. Galina knows this place like home — her father, a nuclear physicist, worked here, and today she is a collaborator of the Institute herself. Iron scraps and particle physics Our guide through the Institute is a young… Continue reading Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Project Equator !
On the first of August, our project has reached its equator. We have visited 5 cities over 10, and have spent time with five of our ten heroines. We are tired, proud and moving forward. We want to thank you for following us on this blog and on our Instagram.